Friday, December 14, 2012

Final Project

     The lesson I chose to reference for this project was one that I had used for the Inclusion module, CURR 310. The lesson is based on the work of the American painter Wayne Thiebaud. Objects of culture in particular sweet tasting foods heavily influenced the subject matter for his work. The painting techniques and use of color are what makes Thiebauds work stand out. For my lesson the students will create their own cake paintings using the elements and principles of design in a manner that also reflects Thiebauds work.
     To begin the lesson I will educate my students on the works and style of Wayne Thiebaud. To assist me in this I will lecture to my students on Wayne Thiebaud’s style of work as a painter as well as provide them with examples of his work. I will do this through use of the computer by creating a power point containing slides of his work.  While going through Thiebaud’s work I will point out different elements of design and ask the class to identify them as well. After pointing out the specific elements I will have the students come up to the board to write it along with a description that we come up with for what it means. We will then discuss how the effects of using these different elements help convey a message or a feeling from the viewer. (NJCCS 1.1.5.D.1/ NETS-S 2)
     In order to stimulate and excite my students to create an interesting looking cake I will have them create their own cakes by exploring how to design a cake on a photoshop type program. They will be able to use a tablet to outline images of cakes in order to understand how to create the basic shapes and proportions. They can also paint over the photos with the necessary tools. (For younger grades I would use this website instead of photoshop as a cake making activity Click here for the activity.) Next I will ask students to take out their sketchbooks and practice drawing their cakes with pencil. They will be able to use the computer to search for images of cakes so that they can see the kinds of colors and textures cakes have. (NJCCS 1.3.2.D.1/ NETS-S 1, 3) I will communicate to them what my expectations are for the project by listing them on the board so that they can always reference what the task at hand is.
     The next step in the sequence would be for them to begin creating their original painted work of art inspired by Wayne Thiebald. I will demonstrate to the students how to create a frothy consistency with their paint in order to achieve an icing like texture. I will also demonstrate to them how to create different values with their paint by adding white and black. While doing this I will have a video camera on my hands while the image is projected on to the screen. This will make sure that everyone has the ability to see what is happening closely so that they know what is being asked of them.  (NJCCS 1.3.2.D.5, NJCCS 1.3.2.D.1)
     When the students have completed their paintings we will hang them up to display for a critique. Students will point out where the elements of design were achieved, or where the student could have added an element of design.  They will also explain to one another how they achieved it and what the process was like for them. At the end I will ask students more open questions like what is the significance of cake in the art works? Why would Thiebald choose to paint cake and sweets as his subject matter? (NJCCS 1.1.5.D.1, 1.4.5.A.3) I will then play an interview from a youtube clip of the artist talking about his work. Click here for Video
     The last part of this lesson will include a recapping of the material covered followed by a short vocab quiz. The quiz will contain questions such as what are the 7 elements of art and their descriptions as well as questions like what inspired Wayne Thiebalds work? And What Techniques did Thiebald use in his works? I will also provide one of Thiebalds works on the projection screen and ask students to list which elements are apparent in the work and where they were used. (NJCCS 1.3.P.D.3, NET-S 4) I would hope with this continuing repetition of talk of the elements throughout the project the students are able to grasp the concepts and successfully utilize them in their future work. 

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